Can I check in at an earlier time?
Unfortunately, we do not offer early check-ins. All check-ins start from 15:00 (up until 23:30).
Can I leave my luggage at the hotel before I check in?
Yes. However, please inform us of the time you wish to hand over your luggage because there are times when staff members are away. There are also coin lockers at the Hirayu Bus Terminal.
Can I use the internet in my room?
Yes, a wireless LAN is available free of charge. The password will be emailed to you, together with your PIN code, when you complete your booking and on the day before your stay. You can also find some information in your room about the wireless LAN. Please note that you may have trouble accessing the internet when many users are online.
Do I need to make a reservation to privately use the bath?
No reservation is required. If nobody is using the bath, please enter the room and be sure to lock the door from the inside. There are three baths, so one of them is usually free, unless it is exceptionally busy. We recommend you take a bath soon after your arrival. It is relatively less busy later at night or early in the morning. There is no shower at the outside bath due to the likelihood of freezing, so please use one of the inside baths for showering.
Is there a coin-operated laundry?
You can use the coin-operated laundry on the first floor of the Hirayu-no-Mori Annex Hotel, which is only a one-minute walk away. Openings hours are 8:00 to 22:00. Guests staying in our self-contained guest house can use the laundry there.
Are there any restaurants nearby?
There are five or six establishments within five minutes' walking distance.
Are there any supermarkets nearby?
There are none nearby. The closest is about 15 minutes by car. We therefore recommend you visit a supermarket before coming to the hotel.
Is there a microwave oven?
Yes, there is one located in the lounge that guests can use.
Do the rooms have a refrigerator?
Yes, each room has a refrigerator.
Am I able to use the barbecue space?
There is a barbecue shelter next to the guest house nestled among the trees. Please make a booking in advance if you wish to use this space.
Six chairs and a table are provided free of charge.
Charcoal barbecue (for up to 7 people): ¥3,000
Two butane gas grills: ¥2,000
Butane gas cartridge: ¥300
Designated recycling rubbish bag: ¥1,000
Please bring your own food and charcoal for cooking and clean up afterwards.